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Changes to handouts

Changes to handouts

In an effort to reduce everyone’s carbon footprint we have reduced the need to print some of the mandatory handouts required for running the care staff full course. The following four handouts will now be optional for you to give to delegates, although we would strongly recommend that you have at least one copy available in your training folder in case delegates request more information to take away with them. In such circumstances you will then be able to give them a copy of the optional handouts or make photocopies if necessary.

Unit 2 Handout 2 (What is PBS)

Unit 3 Handout 3 (Time Intensity Model)

Unit 6 Handout 6a (Legal Concepts)

Unit 8 Handout 8b (Monitoring PI)

You will now see these listed as optional handouts in the Powerpoint & Handouts section on the trainers’ area of the website.

Please click here to get an updated copy of the associate trainer guidelines for care staff full course (this is also in the care staff section).  Please make sure your training dept has a copy too if they do printing for you. If you already have paperwork for courses please use it as normal, there is no need to remove the handouts. If you have any spare copies left please keep them in case anyone asks to see them in future.