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PBMpro Training

Bild certified physical intervention training


Positive Behaviour Management Pro (PBMpro)

Please click here to read our testimonials and see the positive impacts experienced by a sample of our long-term customers.

PBMpro is more than a physical intervention package. Its introduction and implementation, particularly when used to dovetail with Positive Behaviour Support, will help transform your organisation’s approach towards reducing restrictive practices. The key benefits of using our PBMpro training include:

  • Security: our PBMpro training is Bild certified and fully compliant with the Restraint Reduction Network RRN Training Standards
  • Safety: PBMpro does NOT use pain-based physical interventions, and all techniques are biomechanically risk assessed
  • Reassurance: for staff and stakeholders that your training is provided by a reputable, experienced provider

PBMpro is an ethical, research-based training programme focused on cultural change and imbued with a commitment to respect for vulnerable people being supported (see Ethical Approaches to Physical Interventions).  It began as, and remains, a pioneering method which rejects the use of punishment approaches.

PBMpro has been a powerful influence in shaping staff attitudes and improving the quality of life of vulnerable people in services who are at risk of restrictive practice (see Reducing the Use of Restrictive Practices). We take pride in training staff to the highest possible standards without cutting corners.

PBMpro addresses all parts of a PBS plan

  • Primary prevention: identifying and proactively addressing risk factors in relation to behaviours that challenge
  • Secondary prevention: changing the course of already triggered behavioural episodes through prompt intervention
  • Reactive strategies: ethical and safe approaches to those behavioural challenges which may not be preventable and require physical intervention. These include:
    – Self-protection and breakaway techniques
    – Low level removals
    – Removal holds for high distress or dangerous situations
    – Clinical holding techniques
    – Bespoke techniques for a range of challenging scenarios
    – Pod-based holding techniques

Training options

PBMpro training is available across the UK and Europe for the following services:

  • Adults with learning disabilities or autism
  • Children & Young People
  • Adults with acquired brain injury
  • Adults with mental health conditions
  • Older people with dementia

Click here for information about our PBMpro care staff training

Click here for information about our PBMpro train-the-trainer course

Click here to download the PBMpro leaflet or click here to contact us

If you do not need physical intervention techniques please click here to see our PBS theory training.


Trainers’ area for associate trainers in affiliate organisations

Associate trainers can download the PBMpro training materials from our trainers’ area. When you click the login button below you will go to a WordPress page. Existing users can login here. If you are a new trainer we will have to set you up as a new user first and then you will receive an email confirmation and a link to set your password. Please don’t try to login before you have an account as you will get blocked. Once you have logged in please download all the necessary materials onto your laptop well in advance of training so you can check everything works properly on your system.

If you have any login issues in future try using a newer browser such as Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome as older browsers may not work. If you still have trouble check with your IT dept to see if your firewall is blocking access.  Make sure you use the correct email and password. You can click to get a new password if you are not sure of it.  Please note that if you login wrongly your account access will be temporarily suspended. This will automatically reset after 4 hours.  Contact Melody at our office if you need assistance but please note it may take a few days to resolve if the issue needs to be referred to our website company.


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