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Trainer compliance forms

Trainer compliance forms

On the trainers area there are forms that you can use to record your CPD, courses you deliver and peer reviews. We have just added a trainer competency form which is what Bild uses to assess that a trainer meets the RRN Training Standards section 4. Bild has said that they want to see evidence that trainers meet the RRN competency requirements when they do their own QA visits. Some of you have recently been notified that your organisation is due for an observation by Bild. Please download all the forms and make sure you are fully compliant.  All affiliate organisations were asked to confirm that all their associate trainers complied with the RRN Training Standards section 4 when we moved over to the new training.  When you have your annual refresher with us you have to sign the register to reconfirm many of these points too. The forms are in the associate trainer resources section and senior trainer resources section in a sub-folder called compliance forms.