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PBMpro trainer course – change to course fee and duration

PBMpro trainer course – change to course fee and duration

We are pleased to announce the good news that our PBMpro trainer course has been slightly restructured to help reduce your organisational costs. The trainer course will be undertaken over a 9-day duration, instead of the previous 10-days. The course will consist of 5 + 2 + 2 days. Please be assured that the content and high quality of the course remain unchanged, with the time-saving due to a streamlined assessment process – made possible by having smaller training groups enrolled.  On top of this saving on staff costs, with reduced time being spent out of the service, we can announce that the course fee has not only been protected from the recent inflationary pressures but has been reduced. The course fee will be £2995 plus VAT per delegate. There are also potential additional discounts if you host the trainer course and/or if you have 3 or more delegates attending. As the new courses will have limited delegate numbers, we would advise you to submit applications as early as possible. Either contact our office or download the forms from the associate resources section.