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PBMpro trainer courses

PBMpro trainer courses

To meet demand, we run trainer courses as soon as we have a minimum of 6 delegates for a location. Once a course is full, we make a waiting list for the next course and discuss dates and location as soon as we have another 6 delegates. So, it is better to apply early and then have the option to  choose a course in a suitable location. PBMpro trainer courses usually take place in Bristol and Manchester but we are happy to consider any suitable location that is convenient for the delegates.

Delegates must complete an application form that meets the requirements in the person spec and then have a short phone interview. Once they have passed the interview, they can choose a suitable course to attend.

If you have anyone interested in attending, please download the trainer application pack (4 documents) from the associate section or contact our office. Please remind the applicant to refer to the person spec when they complete their application form. The training manager should be given all 4 documents for reference and they should sign off the application form before sending it to us.

If you have any queries about the trainer course or the requirements, please contact us.