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Core Task Analysis now includes Proxemics/Perception exercises

Core Task Analysis now includes Proxemics/Perception exercises

The training notes for the Proxemics/Perception exercises, previously written in the manual and powerpoint notes in Unit 5 (Secondary Prevention, slide 5), have been both updated and relocated into the Core Task Analysis document as an appendix.

You can download the updated core task analysis (v4) from the associate section. We hope this updated version, with training tips on how to run the exercises, will help bring a more uniform understanding and delivery to this part of the training.

You do not need to download a new version of Unit 5 powerpoint, as only the notes have been moved and there is no visual change in the slide.

However, users of the ABI programme should note that there has been a reversal of slides 5 and 6 in your version. It would therefore be useful for you to download a new version of the Unit 5 powerpoint.

Please get in touch if you have any questions regarding the content.